After watching our preliminary we came out with a few strengths and weaknesses we need to bare in mind for future work.
Even though it was not within our control we need to use the same location throughout the scene and not to change. This would not have occurred in our preliminary if we'd used a more general open location but however this is a learning curve for us and we will take it into consideration when choosing future locations.
We found the pace of our music was out of time with the pace of Aidan walking down the stairs. We could either have slowed down the non diagetic soundtrack we chose or to speed up Aidan's pace as he walks down the stairs. Overall we needed to remember to keep the pace of characters and non diagetic soundtrack the same.
BELOW: a successful example of our dark lighting
A strength was our use of dark lighting helped to create atmosphere and we kept within the constraints of the 180 degree line and also successfully showed match on action and shot/reverse shot.
Good - i will post some more general comments tomorrow and go through your prelim with you and your group. It was a good effort - it will be interesting to see Bennita's version as well.